Наукові праці у журналах Scopus та Web of Science
Наукові праці викладачів кафедри географії та природознавства, опубліковані у журналах, що індексуються в наукометричних базах даних Scopus та Web of Science
Рік публікації |
Наукові праці |
2017 рік | Gutsulyak Vasyl. Ecological-geochemical assessment of groundwater contamination in the Ivano-Frankivsk city / Gutsulyak Vasyl, Nataliia Fomenko // Present Environment and Sustainable Development International Symposium – 2017. – 12th ed. – P. 35,36. |
Pantyley V., Twenty-five Years of Independent Ukraine: Is there a Way to Sustainable Healthy Development? / Pantyley V., Lozynskyy R., Slyvka R. // Problemy Ekorozwoju – Problems of sustainable development. – 2017. – Vol. 12. – no 2, c.143 – 160. | |
2019 рік | Arkhypova L. Territorial Recreational Systems and Sustainable Development – UE / L. Arkhypova, N. Fomenko, I. Kinash // Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 99, 2019. – P. 189-194. |
2020 рік | Roman Slyvka, Iryna Zakutynska
How do state and military borders divide the urban spaces of Donbas? Cases of Milove/Chertkovo and Zolote Spatial Conflicts and Divisions in Post-socialist Cities / Ed. by V. Mihaylov. London: Springer International Publishing. London, 2020. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-61765-3 p. 111-128 (Scopus) |
Chervinska І., Blynova О., Popovych I. Social and psychological manifestations of professional identity crisis of labor migrants. Revista Inclusions. 2020. vol. 7 núm. special julio/septiembre. pp. 93–105. (Web of Science). | |
2021 рік | B. V. Grytsuliak, V. B. Grytsuliak, N. V. Bielova, O. Ya. Hlodan, N. P. Dolynko, I. Yo. Ivasiuk. Changes in spermatogenesis in infertile middle age men with benign prostatic hyperplasia. World of Medicine and Biology. № 2 (76). 2021. С. 203–206. ISSN 2079-8334. DOI: 10.26724/2079-8334-2021-2-76-203-206
(Web of Science). |
Chervinska, I., Popovych, I., Chervinskyi, A., Kazibekova, V. & Machynska, N. (2021). Estudio empírico de la tipología deexpectativas sociales del individuo. Amazonia Investiga, 10(43), 112–122. Doi: 10.34069/AI/2021.43.07.11 (Web of Science). | |
Chervinska, I., Derevianko, O., Chervinskyi, A., Tron, A., Atamaniuk, Y. (2021). The cult of health philosophy in traditional culture of the inhabitants of the Ukrainian carpathians’ mountainous regions. Amazonia Investiga, 10(44), 138–148. Doi: 10.34069/AI/2021.44.08.13 (Web of Science) | |
Chervinska, Inna; Budnyk, Olena; Zozuliak-Sluchyk, Roksoliana; Nedilskyi, Stepan; Malaniuk, Taras; Prevysokova, Nataliia. Modern digital distance learning technologies: challenges of future teacher training. Revista Inclusiones Vol: 8 num. 1. (2021). рр. 41-53. (Web of Science). | |
Bielova N.V., Mykytyn T.V., Nespliak O.S., Dolynko N.P. Correlation-regression analysis of ecological state of agricultural landscape of Precarpathians. XXth International Conference “Geoinformatics: Theoretical and Applied Aspects” (11‐14 May 2021, Kiev), 2021. C. 243-248. DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.20215521077 (Scopus). |